
Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Spotify. If you are interested in working with Spotify or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

With Spotify, it’s easy to find the right music for every moment – on your phone, your computer, your tablet and more.

There are millions of tracks on Spotify. So whether you’re working out, partying or relaxing, the right music is always at your fingertips. Choose what you want to listen to, or let Spotify surprise you.

You can also browse through the music collections of friends, artists and celebrities, or create a radio station and just sit back.

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Connected mandy members:

Jordan Epstein
2015, Spotify Celebrity Playlist, Director
Lydia Orange
Voice Over: English
2015, Playstation 4, Advertiser
Lydia Orange
Voice Over: English
2015, Pink Lady Apple, Lead female
Lydia Orange
Voice Over: English
2015, Bailey's, Lead female
Nicki Marinovic
Voice Over: English
2014, Starbucks, Voice
Helen Millar
Voice Over: English
2014, Spotify, Lead voice
Rayyah McCaul
Voice Over: English
2014, Radio Experts Spotify, Jenny
Eoin Slattery
Voice Over: Irish
2014, PayPal, Voiceover
Kristin Hellberg
Voice Over: Swedish
2014, Loreal, Swedish voice
Lydia Orange
Voice Over: English
2014, Childline- Spotify, Narration
Maud Arrault
Voice Over: French
2014, Bose Headphones, French
Lydia Orange
Voice Over: English
2014, Alt-J, Advert
Nieve Hearity
Voice Over: English
2013, Starbucks, VO Artist
Joel Davey
2013, Nokia Commercial, Two Mates
Nieve Hearity
Voice Over: English
2013, First Choice, VO Artist
Timothy James
Voice Over: English
2012, Zombie Cat Promo, Voice Over
Nieve Hearity
Voice Over: English
2012, VO5, VO Artist
Susannah Ashfield
Voice Over: English
2012, Tate Britain, Voice Over
Joel Davey
2012, National Australia Bank Commercial, Voice Over
Kieran Phoenix Chantrey
Voice Over: English
2012, Maple Street Studios, Maynards Sweet and Sour Commercial

Spotify Jobs

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