Team Angelica

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with Team Angelica. If you are interested in working with Team Angelica or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

An entertainment company with spirit and soul. Making work that makes us laugh and think and wonder.

All sexes, sexualities, races, ages, classes, shapes, sizes, nationalities, ablliities, disabilities, backgrounds, religions, creeds and political leanings are welcome.

Create. Perform. Partipate. Observe. Admire. Inspire. Exchange. Teach. Learn. Respect. Bring your passion to the table and share the feast. Together we will change the world. Peace. Entertainment for right here, right now. Art for life. The revolution starts here!

Peace. Entertainment for right here, right now. Art for life. The revolution starts here!

Connected mandy members:

2014, Just a Walk in the Park, Ben
Bush Theatre
2014, Hazard - Angelic Tales, Cameron
Bush Theatre
2014, Hazard, Nathan
Bush Theatre
Edmund Swabey
2014, Free, Editor
2014, Freak, Man B
Bush Theatre
Tom Glover
2014, Freak, Man A
Bush Theatre
Lucy-Jane Quinlan
Actor, Singer
2014, Boom! (Industry Expert), Jessica
Bush Theatre
Bush Theatre
2014, Boom: Industry Expert, Anna
The Bush Theatre
2014, Boom- Sweetheart & Honey Fight The War, Honey
The Bush Theatre
2014, Boom- My Girlfriends a Real Doll Face, Jane
The Bush Theatre
2014, Boom Plays - Couplets, Sam
The Bush Theatre
2014, Boom, Sharon
Stratford East theatre
Katie Hayes
2013, Tonight is Your Answer, Izzy
Theatre Royal Stratford East
2013, Three, Anthony
Theatre Royal Stratford
2013, Super Skinny Bitches, Angelic Tales, Louise
Theatre Royal Stratford East
2013, Super Skinny Bitches, Martin
Theatre Royal Stratford East
2013, Push!, Carol
Theatre Royal Stratford East
2013, Mad One - Angelic Tales, Shay
Bush Theatre
2013, I Have Never, Jonathan
Stratford Theare Royal

Team Angelica Jobs

For details of known Team Angelica vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Angelica, Angelica Productions, Team Angelica Films, Team Angelica Ltd, Team Angelica/Royal Albert Hall