Mission to mississippi

2008, 44 minutes

A story of one family’s struggle to survive after Hurricane Katrina and the emotional journey of 54 volunteers from New York who helped them rebuild their home and their lives.

This award-winning film follows a New York based interfaith group of volunteers, aged 12-75 who have traveled to Mississippi to help in the relief effort a year and a half after Hurricane Katrina devastated the gulf coast. Meet a family that has lived in a trailer since the storm badly damaged their home. Hear how they have coped in the aftermath and how the volunteers brought them hope and helped them get back into their home. It could take 10-20 years to rebuild the Mississippi coast because of the overwhelming amount of destruction. Volunteers will continue to be instrumental in the rebuilding effort amid the slow and inadequate response of the government. Winner of Best Social Documentary at 2008 NY International Independent Film & Video Festival

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Lewis Stiefel