Then Came You

2006, 22 minutes

Birthdays can be your worst or best day - much to Sean's surprise, this one is both.

It's the worst thing that could happen to Sean McAllister - he's alone on his birthday. When he finds a woman's backpack his desperation leads him to conspire to change all of that. The plan backfires when he falls for her and realizes he must confess. Unfortunately, while owning up to his mistake restores his integrity, it doesn't keep her from leaving, and once again, Sean is alone. But, not for long. His out of state parents' surprise visit and the announcement by his father that they're moving to Sean's town changes all of that - not exactly the birthday present he wanted. Sean's hope is regained when he receives the best birthday gift of all - the realization that he can be happy again and a surprise visit that is the icing on his cake.