To train, or not to train. That is the question...

I graduated from university in 2014 with a degree in Performance and Media. My first paid role was in 2015 and since then I have mostly done Short Films, Commercials and Corporate Videos. I have had very little auditions for TV/Film and am honestly completely in the dark on how one tries to ensure getting more TV auditions. I have considered going to Drama School for years now but it seems so 50/50 on whether it's worth it. So I suppose my questions are thus:
1) What are the best ways to try and get in the room for your first Film/TV role? (Especially if you've never had one, you're not with a "big agent" and you're not trained).
2) Is it worth doing an MA at a drama school to improve craft, have that "trained tick" and also better my chances of getting seen?

Much love acting folks.

  • 1 year ago
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  • 2

I'm not sure that you need to train at this stage of your career as you already have a foothold in the industry and I note, have already done a number of features that have had at least a DVD release. You have a good look and your height should work for you. The problem is getting a decent agent, and they are in short supply. Training with a showcase attached might get you a decent agent but that's an if-you would have to outlay a large amount of money and go to one of the very top schools. I think if you are passionate about training then by all means, do it but if your head and heart are divided on this decision, don't. As to the other question re getting in the room for TV castings, I am at a loss there. I know a great many actors pay to attend workshops with CDs, and it is possible they will remember you for future projects, but I baulk at paying out for these sort of things. But if you were looking to pay out for training, perhaps this might work for you instead? Anyway, hope you come to the right decision for you and wish you good health and good spirits.

  • 1 year ago
  • 1
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