small single pieces for really low price?

Pip Shepherd

I am willing to take on work like small trailer or avert scores between 1-5 minutes long, and would give a professional-grade standard of work for a really low price in order for me to be able to start gaining credits in the industry. Anything you want done well, while being on the cheap, I could be the person to help you? It may be this way for me for a while so if you are happy with one, bring the other 15 and I'd be happy to do the same :)

  • 8 years ago
  • 1,078
  • 4
Bruce Reid

Please don't do professional work and adverts on the cheap as it devalues the music we make and drives what we all get paid into the ground. Production companies have a music budget for adverts, TV etc. This current Dutch auction effect is making it even harder for us to make a living. If you do something on the cheap for a production company they will expect to pay that low rate for future projects.
I absolutely understand your need to get a portfolio and credits, try approaching Universities, film students and NGO's who have a shoestring or zero budget and need music for their projects. You will get credits, make good future contacts and get video for a show reel this way.
Also try submitting your music to music libraries, you will get paid and get professional credits if anyone uses your music.
What we all do is valuable and requires talent, so we shouldn't sell ourselves short.

  • 8 years ago
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Kimee Cleaton
Lead Vocalist

I fully agree with the above!

  • 8 years ago
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Andy Schofield

Bruce is right Pip, It's a one way road to destruction, I'm sure you're worth more than that!

  • 8 years ago
  • 3
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