The Barn Theatre

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with The Barn Theatre. If you are interested in working with The Barn Theatre or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

Michigan's Oldest Professional Equity Summer Stock.

Connected mandy members:

2016, Steel Magnolias, Annelle
The Barn Theatre
2016, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Lips
The Barn Theatre
Dawn Funnell
2016, Players Angels, Cynthia Dann
The Barn Theatre Norfolk
Joe Hogan
2015, Through The Looking Glass, Major Reddington / Red Knight
The Barn Theatre, Welwyn Garden City
Joe Hogan
2015, A Christmas Carol, Sam Bilikin
The Barn Theatre, Welwyn Garden City
Josie Melton
2014, Hay Fever, Jackie Coryton
The Barn Theatre, Welwyn Garden City
Jerry Morrison
2013, Bus Stop, Director
2011, Personals, Sam
2011, A Tale of Two Cities, Sydney Carton (Lead)
The Barn Theatre
2010, The Hound of the Baskervilles, Sherlock Holmes (Lead)
The Barn Theatre
2009, Translations, Captain Lancey
The Barn Theatre
2009, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Theseus
The Barn Theatre
Rahul Kohli
2007, The Bloodsucker List, Steve Smith
2006, , Theatre Educator
2002, On Monday Next, Avis Claire

The Barn Theatre Jobs

For details of known The Barn Theatre vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information