the salon:collective

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the salon:collective is a community of interdisciplinary artists based at The Cockpit theatre in London. As well as training actors, we create events, produce theatre and develop new writers.

Most recently, we’ve been taking our performances of Shakespeare’s sonnets to Laura Marling's Secret Music and a celebration for the literacy charity Beanstalk, as well as creating Random Acts of Shakespeare (an immersive production of scenes and sonnets) on the streets of London in summer 2013 and a family-friendly version of Twelfth Night in London’s oldest music hall.

You may also have seen us at Morning Glory, Pirate Radio Party, Wilderness Festival and Lost Lectures.

Connected mandy members:

2013, The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare in the Garden), Kate
Tim Duthrane
2013, The National Theatre, Alex
Manor House Warehouses
Linda Mathis
2013, Shakespeare In The Garden, Mrs Ford
2013, Shakespeare in the Garden, Lady Percy
Open air
2013, Shakespeare In the Garden, Portia
Julia Papp
2013, Romeo and Juliet, Juliet
The Cockpit Theatre
Linda Mathis
2013, Our Kid Jesus by Alex Clarke, Moosha
Cockpit Theatre
2013, Our Kid Jesus, Devon
Cockpit Theatre
Kate Winney
2013, My Name is Hunger, Younh Eileen
The Park Theatre
2013, Dr Who and the Slight Problem at Hogwarts, Dr Who
Cockpit Theatre
2013, Dr Who & the Slight Problem at Hogwarts, JK Rowling
The Cockpit
2013, Art from within, Guy
Cockpit Theatre
Bryony Cole
2013, All's Fair (In Love & War), Imogen / Maria
The Cockpit Theatre
2013, After The Trouble, Liam
Cockpit Theatre
2013, A Walk In The Shadows, Mr Filcher
Cockpit Theatre
2012, Twelfth Night, Olivia
Various (West Country)
Angela Bull
2012, Twelfth Night, Antonia (Antonio)
Hoxton Hall, London
Jemma Gross
2012, Twelfth Night, Co-Director
Hoxton Hall
2012, Twelfth Night, Curio
St.Enoder Church
Ali Kemp
2012, The Echo Chamber, Sarah

the salon:collective Jobs

For details of known the salon:collective vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Salon:Collective Salon:Lab, Saloon Colective, The Salon Collective