the salon:collective

Find out more about the cast and crew that have worked with the salon:collective. If you are interested in working with the salon:collective or similar companies, join The Mandy Network and get alerted of upcoming job opportunities.

the salon:collective is a community of interdisciplinary artists based at The Cockpit theatre in London. As well as training actors, we create events, produce theatre and develop new writers.

Most recently, we’ve been taking our performances of Shakespeare’s sonnets to Laura Marling's Secret Music and a celebration for the literacy charity Beanstalk, as well as creating Random Acts of Shakespeare (an immersive production of scenes and sonnets) on the streets of London in summer 2013 and a family-friendly version of Twelfth Night in London’s oldest music hall.

You may also have seen us at Morning Glory, Pirate Radio Party, Wilderness Festival and Lost Lectures.

Connected mandy members:

2012, Phone Lover, Girl (lead)
Various, Ealing
Venus Raven
2012, Occupy:Love, Stage Manager
Cockpit Theatre
2012, Measure for Measure, Isobel
The Cockpit
Julia Papp
2012, As You LIke It, Rosalind
Cockpit Theatre
2012, A Midsummer Night's Dream/Occupy:Love, Helena
Cockpit Theatre
2011, What's Going On Inside? - The Three Sisters, Natasha
Cockpit Theatre
Julia Papp
2011, The Seagull, Nina
The Cockpit Theatre
Venus Raven
2011, Patti Smith & Sam Shepard's "Cowboy Mouth", ASM / Operator
King's Head Theatre
2011, Cowboy Mouth, LobsterMan
King's Head Theatre
2011, A Christmas Cock-Up, Carol
Cock Pit Theatre
Venus Raven
2011, "Christmas Cock-up", DSM / Sound Operator
Cockpit Theatre

the salon:collective Jobs

For details of known the salon:collective vacancies, please check our jobs board for more information

Alternative Company Names

Salon:Collective Salon:Lab, Saloon Colective, The Salon Collective